Services We Offer

Individual Therapy

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Couples Therapy

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Group Therapy

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Psychedelic Integration 

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Wellness Practices

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Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy is a warm, inclusive opportunity for personal healing and growth. A place to explore the most authentic version of yourself, work through narratives that have kept you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you, and a platform for empowering your strength and confidence and you’re relationships. This becomes the cultivation of a life you feel proud to stand in the center of.

Our therapeutic journey is a partnership, a shared venture where you’re welcomed with open arms, regardless of your background, identity, or life path. In this safe and nurturing environment, diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated, recognizing the richness it brings to our shared experience.

Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, unveiling the layers that make you wonderfully, authentically you. In this space, we address and acknowledge the darkness and the light. While you are seen, valued, and supported, we work collaboratively to cultivate a sense of wholeness and well-being. Welcome to a haven where your journey is not just valid; it is celebrated.

Brainspotting, Somatic Experiencing, Trauma Resiliency Model, EMDR, IFS

Other offerings: Speaking engagements, Program Development, Trauma Informed Consultation, Staff Trainings

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is specifically designed to help couples improve their relationships and resolve conflicts. The primary goal of couples therapy is to enhance communication, understanding, and emotional connection between partners, ultimately leading to a healthier  and more satisfying relationship.

Couples therapy can be a valuable resource for couples facing challenges such as communication breakdowns, infidelity, financial conflicts, parenting disagreements, and other relationship stressors. It provides a safe and neutral environment where both partners can express themselves, receive guidance, and work towards a healthier partnership.

Group Therapy

At The Hive we offer groups for a variety of issues and populations designed to engage with others going through a similar issue, diminish shame, work through various patterns of behavior in relationships in the group and receive constructive feedback for others. Currently we are accepting clients for a single parent support group.

Please ask about any other upcoming events!

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic integration is a therapeutic approach designed to help individuals make sense of and integrate the experiences and insights gained from a psychedelic experience. These experiences, when sufficiently integrated, can lead to profound and transformative experiences that may be difficult to understand or process without guidance.

The main goal of psychedelic integration therapy is to assist individuals in integrating the insights, emotions, and perceptions they encountered during their psychedelic experiences into their everyday lives. 

The effects of a psychedelic experience can extend well beyond the actual experience itself. Integration therapy supports individuals in harnessing the lasting positive effects of these experiences, which might include increased self-awareness, a greater sense of interconnectedness, and enhanced emotional regulation.

It’s important to note that psychedelic integration therapy is not about convincing individuals to take psychedelics, nor is it a replacement for psychiatric or medical treatment. It’s a form of talk therapy that provides a structured and supportive environment for individuals who have already undergone psychedelic experiences. Integration therapists are knowledgeable about both the potential benefits and risks of psychedelics.

Wellness Practices

Wellness practices are activities and habits that individuals engage in to promote their overall health and well-being. These practices encompass physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual aspects of health.

It’s important to note that wellness practices are highly individualized. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s essential to explore and adopt practices that align with your own values, needs, and preferences. Building a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses various aspects of health can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.


The Hive offers a variety of workshops designed to provide offerings for the community to learn and how new skills and develop a sense of community. The workshops are interactive and skills based, focusing on a goal of personal development and self healing. Please check out our calendar for upcoming workshops that speak to you. Here is a listing of our current workshop offerings:

  • Boundaries for Peace led by Katie Rowbotham, AMFT
  • Becoming Embodied- the pathway to knowing joy, pleasure and
    self love through a journey through the senses – Led by Meg
    Reinis, LMFT and the Hive Team!